Archive of ‘Projects’ category

Osmo Words Vocabulary Game

Osmo is a fun interactive game that keeps students engaged while using technology. You are able to make up your own educational games, then have your students play them. I chose to make a Osmo Words game. I found that with secondary education words would fit them the best. Since I am agriculture I chose to make a game dealing with crops. The list of words I made include: Wheat, Oats, Grain Sorghum, Corn, Alfalfa, and Soybeans. image Each of these will register on a library so my students can access it. I firmly believe I will be using the Osmo system in my future classroom, it is fun, interactive, and engaging. Plus, students can have fun while learning. In the game I made each student will have to throw the letters down for what crop they think is on the screen.

image Here is what their screen would look like.

iMovie: Kansas Wheat History

The iMovie App for first time users is free, if not it is $4.99. Now that I am more familiar with iMovie I find it to be very helpful. I think as far as my students I will have them make projects involving iMovie or iMovie Trailers. I chose to make a movie over Kansas Wheat History, it not only fits perfectly with this time of year, but it relates to my content area (Agricultural Education). Kansas wheat is so important because it is how we got our name the “Wheat State”. So by doing the iMovie over Kansas wheat I can educate the history and importance of it. My hopes for my future classroom is to incorporate technology as much as I can, because they too can make projects that help the world become more knowledgable.


Using Apps in the Classroom, iTunes U Courses

image There 18 other lesson ideas that go along with Apps in the Classroom. I chose Hopscotch because it stuck out to me the most. There is so much you can do within the app and for all ages. image As you can tell with in this picture, the app offers a variety of subjects for all ages. Each of the subjects has fun games that go along with it to help the students understand more. Each one teaches the students skills to help them succeed. For instance the mathematics one allows the students to build a house, but they have to use the correct angles. I would highly encourage any educators to try this app.

Digital Storytelling | Adobe Slate

Horse ColorI chose to use the app called Adobe Slate. Something about it caught my attention, it’s free and easy to use. It also allows you to make all kinds of changes so you can personalize your project. I have never used an app quite like this and Adobe Slate made it very easy to pick up on.


Named App Store Editors’ Choice, Slate lets you turn your next newsletter, report, invitation or travel adventure into a gorgeous visual story that delights readers on any device. Simply tap to select a unique look — beautiful fonts, color and magazine-style design are automatically incorporated. Fluid movement and elegant motion are applied.

I will definitely be using this app in my future classroom. It’s so easy that even my students will be able to do projects with Adobe Slate. It will encourage them to be creative and show how technology can be used within the classroom. Since Adobe Slate allows you to start from scratch it will be easy to incorporate most any topic into the project.

Comics in the Classroom

I have never really been one to read comics or do anything with them, but I discovered through this activity they can be kind of fun. I used corn as my topic of discussion while making my comic. The reason I chose corn was because it is prime planting season for corn and what better way to incorporate agriculture with what is going on out in the field. I made my comic using the app Comic Maker, you can find it in the App Store. There were several comic makers to choose from, but this was my favorite. The reason it was my favorite is because of all the backgrounds and people you could choose from. Some of them I looked at you could only use their templates or you had to pay, but with Comic Maker it was free and so was my own design. When thinking about my future classroom, most likely I would use this app when doing a project. I will give my students an option to do a comic or another project, as long as it is related to the particular project we are working on. Here is a preview of the comic I made:


Thinglink in Education: Tagged to Teach Ag

Tagged to Teach Ag is a motto used in the agricultural education field to try and grab attention from other students so they will look into teaching agriculture. I used this motto on my Thinglink to show what tagged to teach ag means in my world. There are definitely some pros and cons of using this app in my future classroom. Some pros would be how interactive it is. I could have my students do a project about FFA and show what they believe goes into the aspects of FFA in their mind. Cons would be that I could not use it for every project, such as welding. Welding is a very hands on subject so trying to incorporate it into an app would be very hard. The app itself does not cost anything, which is huge benefit of using it. If you are interested in getting the app click here. It looks like this:

image Some resources I used  were from the direction in our week 2 folder. I specifically used it to learn how to embed my Thinglink.